Comment and analysis on today’s biggest issues from Edinburgh's world-leading experts.
The views expressed in this section are those of the contributors, and do not necessarily represent those of the University.
Growth is the government’s goal, but is all growth the same?
The UK has made economic growth its goal. But by making GDP the ultimate metric of progress, are we stunting growth of more important things?
The formula for the perfect Christmas
What matters most to you in your Christmas celebrations? This formula invites everyone to reflect on what truly brings joy and meaning to their festive season.
Reflections on COP29
The billions committed to tackling climate change at the annual summit are still not enough. However, green shoots can be found elsewhere.
COP29 must renew momentum on the path to net zero
As the COP29 climate summit gets underway in Azerbaijan, it is important we recognise that the path to net zero will have benefits to our health as well as the environment.
ME – the origins of a modern medical ‘scandal’
Ignored, blamed, and sometimes left to die – those with ME remain hidden among society. Why is such a devastating disease continually dismissed?
Why daylight savings should be put to bed
Changing time twice a year affects our wellbeing, our safety and the economy, experts say. So, should we stop the clocks?
Infected blood scandal – is financial compensation enough?
The UK government has announced its plan to compensate thousands of infected blood victims and families but will justice be done?
Conflicts cast shadow over Olympic tradition of peace
Current conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East threaten to turn the Paris 2024 Games into a geopolitical battleground.
OpenAI corporate chaos reveals the war between AI ‘doomers’ and ‘boomers’
Creating two camps in discussions of AI's future - those seeing opportunity versus those seeing a threat - is overly simplistic and could actually be a distraction.
Will selling Covid boosters on the high street improve uptake?
Next year Covid boosters will be available to buy from pharmacists and private healthcare providers. The potential effect on the the virus's spread is unclear.
Is compassion something we can ever expect in the economy?
Corporate scandals make greed seem an inevitable outcome of the economy. Can compassion take root in such a hard-nosed system?
The history behind Orkney’s vote to ‘join Norway’
By flirting with joining a North Sea neighbour, the islands are drawing upon a millennia-old connection worthy of a Nordic saga - and for political attention.
Why we need to SHAPE innovation
For technological innovation to be our salvation, we need to bring social sciences, humanities and the arts for people and the economy (SHAPE) into research much earlier on.
Beyond football’s elite, survival can seem like success
As Europe’s top clubs take time out for the World Cup, most of Scotland’s professional teams – financially, on a different planet – will keep playing regardless.
Are some languages more difficult than others?
The level of similarity between adopted and mother tongues governs how tricky a new language is to learn. But there's good news for babies with bilingual aspirations.